Ignite Sydney 7
I got really excited about Ignite after I saw my friend Jason Yip presenting. The format is quite challenging: 5 minutes and 20 slides. Enough of procrastination… I finally decided to submit a proposal for the upcoming Ignite Sydney 7 (Oct 11th 2011)
One section of the proposal says: “Convince us, why the Ignite Sydney audience will want to hear from you”. So I decided to write this post…
Let’s start with a bit of a summary of who I am… here
Also, I’m extremely passionate about the topic: Human Behaviour and Happiness
Links for some of my recent presentations:
- Predictably and Irrationally Persuasive
- Lean Lego Game at Agile Australia 2011
- Android Winner App – ThoughtFerret – Keeping track of consultant’s happiness
With the ignite value of keeping it short and simple, that’s it.
Congratulations to the organisers for this amazing event and… Fingers crossed